Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Academic Monitoring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Academic Monitoring - Essay Example There are certain essentials which must be present for the questioning to be effective. Firstly, the questions must be appropriate to the instructional and developmental level of the students. Secondly, the teacher needs to keep a keen eye on those students that are voluntarily participating in discussion and those who are not. The non volunteers need to be encouraged to participate. Thirdly, the teacher may ask students to give feedback to each other based on the submitted responses to certain questions, that is, they can be encouraged to comment or add to the responses of their classmates. The second strategy, monitoring seatwork is a systematic measure for interacting with students while they work. Instead of waiting for the student to ask for help the teacher can instantly intercept wrong concepts and understanding. In order to immediately correct misconceptions the teacher checks and discusses the work of each student individually. Monitoring seatwork aids in the elimination of disruptive behavior and improves on-task behavior of students. The third effective strategy involves ensuring that homework assignments are in sync with the content covered in the classroom. These assignments should be given frequently to extend the practice time that students have with the material. They should be suited to the developmental and ability level of the students. They should be clearly understood and should be quickly checked and returned to students with comments given to reinforce positive behavior. A fourth strategy includes having daily, weekly, monthly and term reviews as well as classroom testing. These tests must be administered regularly and frequently. They must be aligned to the instruction. They should be collected, graded, documented and immediately returned to students so that errors can be corrected before they become deep-seated. The first juncture in establishing an effective monitoring system

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Nature Vs Nurture Twins Studies Psychology Essay

Nature Vs Nurture Twins Studies Psychology Essay This question will simply not disappear. And by no surprise in reality, it asks whether humans are free to behave as they want or whether their actions are encoded in them. In its modern nature, this controversial debate is based on terms of molecular genetics. Is the way we behave depended on gene structure, or is every human formed by his or her environment? (Trefil, 1996, para. 1) Throughout the middle term of the century, Americans religiously put faith in the second of these options. Human beings, we believed, were infinitely improvable, and if people behaved in a bad way, it was because of the environment they were surrounded by. We believed we could fix the environment and could make perfect human beings. On the contrary, evidence proved to be misguided strongly, heretically weak (Trefil, 1996, para. 2). However, times are different now. We have realized that many diseases are backtracked to our DNA, so we have also come to partially understand that genes play an important but not totally exclusive role in finding out our behavior. The proof that altered the perspective of the behavioral-science mainstream came in many shapes. Long studies of animals, rats, and fruit flies proved strong genetic connections on behaviors such as learning and reproduction. More precisely, the large archives of long and thorough studies of twins can show us the significance of genetic factors in mental disorders and a different variety of behavioral traits from the random interests of adolescents to general cognitive ability. These kinds of studies typically observe either identical twin, which share the same kind of DNA, especially identical twins separated and raised in environments different from one another, or at fraternal twins, who share different DNA but were raised in very similar environments (Trefil, 1996, para. 3). We need ask ourselves, what are the differences when it comes in terms of physical, cognitive, social-emotional; and the human developmental stages? B ut before we begin looking at does differences lets get to know a little more about twins and twin studies. Twin studies are a way that scientist and researchers use to study humans when it comes to figuring out what influences and individual the most; is it their genetics or their environment. Twins studies were first performed in 1876 by an English anthropologist Francis Galton (The Library Index, 2010). Francis Galton performed the twins study because he wanted to investigate the extent to which the similarities of twin changes during their developmental process (The Library Index, 2010). Galton like us was also interested in finding out what was more influential in an individuals life their genetics or the environment. A twin study is when the researcher takes both identical twins and fraternal twins and tries to compare and contrast information from both pairs of individuals by running test or just simply by observing the individuals. Identical twins happens about one-third of all births and it is when one ova or egg is fertilized by one sperm (Pekkanen). After the ova and the sperm fertilized the zygote divides and form two different embryos. Identical twins are always the same gender and also they share a hundred percent their genetic makeup. Fraternal twins on the other hand occur when two sperms fertilize two different ova or eggs at the same time. So what happens is that two different zygotes are formed and therefore two embryos are formed (Pekkanen). Fraternal twins share fifty percent of their genes and they can be the same gender or opposite genders; moreover, they are genetically similar to regular siblings (Pekkanen). Why are twins studies so useful when it comes to study the effects of nature and nurture? Twins especially identical twins are the closes we can get to a natural clone of an individual. Because identical twins share the a hundred percent of their genes it is easier to tell whether nurture plays a big or a small role in an individuals life. Fraternal twins are also good to study the effects of nature versus nurture because fraternal twins only share fifty percent of their genes so if any changes occur for example in the same environment then that lets us as researchers know whether nature plays a big role or a little role in an individuals life. Now that we have gotten enough information about nature and nurture as well as twin studies, we can start exploring how researcher have develop all the different theories on what really is that helps shape an individual. Is it nature or is it nurture? Physical Development Our book states that physical development is related to how the brain and the nervous system develops as well behavior development. Also in the physical development it is included the muscles, sensory capabilities and the need for food or a drink. Many factors help shape the physical development in an individual. The genes on an individual are the base line for physical development and then the environment helps shape the person according to what the person allows to come in from the environment. As we know identical twins have the same genes; however, many studies show that identical twins are not physically or behaviorally identical to one another. A lot of factors can help make changes, for example, if the twins do not have the same diets and nutrition then they are more likely to have different heights and even weights (Nature vs. nurture, 2010). Also when identical twins start to grow up they find ways to make themselves different from the other twin. They find ways like cutting their hair differently, wearing different clothing styles, having different friends and like different social activities (Nature vs. nurture, 2010). As for fraternal twins they only share half of their genes, but they also find ways to make sure that they are different from each other. Everyone wants to be an individual and twins are just like everyone else they want to find ways to be individuals and the environment helps with those decision. Cognitive Development Cognitive is related to the thought process and knowledge. When studying the cognitive process of humans many scientist use twin studies to get their results. Since identical twins are the closest the scientist can get to a clone of an individual because they have the same genes; the scientists can study how the environment shapes their intelligence. Also scientists use fraternal twins because they only share half of their genes, so they are just like regular siblings scientists can examine whether their genes shape their intelligence. Cognitive studies have been done for many years. One of the first scientists to study the role of genes in intelligences was Francis Galton (Bryner, 2006). Galtons theory is that parents transfer intelligence to their children. However, now days many scientists believe that genes and the environment work together to help cognitive development on every individual (Plomin, DeFries, 1998). Amy Wax on her article mentions that genes and parents do not just influence their childrens mental abilities, but rather that home environment, culture and peer influence also has an influence in their mental ability. Many scientists do agree with Amy Wax on how genes and environments work together on developing mental ability. However, it is believed that most of the influence does come from genetics and from the interaction with direct family members (Genetics and the,2010). Todays scientists use the IQ testing method to test an individuals intelligence. The IQ test measures an individuals ability to reason and to solve problems (Genetics and the, 2010). The IQ test has different versions of the test that measure different types of intelligence by using reading, comprehensive and mathematical problems. When comparing the results of family members the results are closer together than the scores of random people. Social Emotional Development There are significant discoveries that were made using different research methods to find social and emotional differences in twins. Political and social attitudes, ranging from divorce to the death penalty, were found to have a strong genetic influence in one Australian study. A Swedish study found genes significantly influenced two of the so-called big five personality traitsopenness to experience and conscientiousnesswhile environment had little impact. In contrast, environment influenced agreeableness more than genes did. (The two other traits are neuroticism and extroversion.) Another study, at the University of Texas at Austin, found that personality in identical twins correlated 50 percent and in fraternal twins about 25 percent (Neimark, Cochran, Dossey, 1997). Twins tend to start dating, to marry, and to start having children at about the same time. David Lykken, Ph.D., and Matthew McGue, Ph.D., at the University of Minnesota, found that if an identical twin had divorced, there was a 45 percent chance the other had also. For fraternals, the chance was 30 percent. The researchers think this is due to inherited personality traits. Both optimism and pessimism are heavily influenced by genes, but shared environment influences only optimism, not pessimism, according to a study of 522 pairs of middle-aged identical and fraternal twins. Family life and genes can be equal contributors to an optimistic outlook, which influences both mental and physical health, but pessimism seems largely controlled by genes (Neimark, Cochran, Dossey, 1997). Human Development Stages The first stage of human development is the prenatal stage. When we are talking about the prenatal stage it includes conception to birth. The prenatal stage of development begins once the egg has been fertilized. This happens when the mans sperm is released and meets an egg which then begins the fertilization, when the egg and sperm meet this is known as a zygote. This is the first stage of pregnancy. According to the text Child Development by Robert Feldman twins can also develop at this stage. For twins to occur there has to be a split off of the ovum within the first two weeks of fertilization. If the split off occurs the text states that there are two different types of twins that can occur; the first one is called monozygotic twins. Monozygotic refers to the twins be genetically identical. The second type that could occur if there is a split off is dizygotic twins. Dizygotic twins occur when there is two separate eggs are fertilized by two separate sperm. Once the zygote is form ed, whether it is single or multiple, it will then implant itself into the womens uterus. A placenta will then develop to support the embryo. The term embryo is referred to as the second stage of pregnancy when referring to the baby. The placenta will be the necessary nutrients to the embryo. Then an umbilical cord will form which will be another source for the embryo to get nutrients. The Embryo stage will last from 3 weeks to 8 weeks of pregnancy. The next stage is considered the fetus stage. This stage is from 8 weeks to birth. The second stage of human development is infancy. The infant stage is from the age of one month to one year, although there are variations of definition from the age of one month to the age of three years. To be specific a new born is considered from minutes old to the age of one month. During the infant stage the infant will go through several developmental milestones. According to Child Development text a chart lists some of the stages. It will begin with at approximately three months old the infant should start to roll over, then progress to rolling over. At the age of five months the infant should begin to sit up without needed support, the progress to standing with holding on to something. Next the child should be able to being grasping items using thumbs and fingers, followed by standing alone by about eleven months. Once the infant has mastered standing alone the next stage would be walking around twelve months. The child will progress to grow and develop many gross and motor skills as they develop. (Feldman 130) One thing that many especially parents love about the infancy age would perhaps be watching their personalities develop. During this stage the nature vs. nurture will certainly be scrutinized. Lets say we have identical twins; if one twin is outgoing and always going for the top that he wants while his twin just sits back and kinds just lets things happen around them, the parents might talk about how one has the personality of the mother, while the has the personality of the father. They might also consider a nurture trait while watching their twins play to be something that was learned perhaps by disciplining. If the father is more strict than the mother so when the father is around the children are a little more apprehensive to play freely just out of fear that they might get in trouble by their father; whereas the mother is more loving and allow the twins to explore more and develop more of their personality freely. This could be argued to be a nurture trait between the twins that will vary based on the emotions that they are feeling. Natures vs. Nurture run very close together, but are very distinctive. It is fun to watch and try to distinguish between the two and see who has which traits especially when you have twins. There are several studies such as the Twice the Talent article that have examples of how nurture vs. nature and the process of the human growth and development are all tied into one story. Its all around us every day. Early Childhood development most commonly refers to the time between birth and schooling, at approximately age 3. Many people in the field agree that this developmental period is the most critical and the most liable in any childs development. There has been a lot of research as to whether a childs environment (nurture) or a childs genetics (nature) are most affecting. My preliminary hypothesis is that there is a balance between the two, although it is not half and half. During this time period many amazing milestones are reached. Although according to studies, when it comes to those wonderful milestones of physical development, normal is a relative term, meaning every child accomplishes things at an individualized pace within a very clear time frame. Development includes everything from physical development, where the child starts out unable to roll over and proceeds to crawling, walking and running, to mental development where the child goes from barely expressing more than a few e motions, to speaking complete sentences and telling stories, to brain development specifically. Studies agrees saying, all periods of brain development probably begin within the first years of life. Every child goes through many phases in a comparatively short amount of time. There is a sizable amount of debate as to what is influential to early childhood development. Some people, particularly geneticists, say that nature plays the most important role. These people believe that children inherit a lot of their looks, personality, and skills from their parents and the children will, essentially, turn out to be a combination of their parents. Others say that nurture is the most important. They believe that a parent can control the type of person their child will become by different parenting techniques, interactions and home environments. There is, as in any debate, a middle ground that a lot of people think is how development works, and there is evidence that this may also be accurate . Nature is a quite specific term. It refers to genetic material that controls ones appearance, temperaments, and abilities. These are a preset list that cannot be altered and is inherited from both of the parents. This can include things such as height, eye color, ability to read or learn a language, temper or patience and many, many more. Some of these things such as temper are debated as to whether or not they are part of your internal nature, which makes nature versus nurture an even more complicated debate. One of the earliest signs of genes showing through is the first emotions. Only minutes after being born, babies in the nursery will feel sympathy and empathy for each other and when one starts to cry, others start to cry too They are not taught to do this, its just natural, they barely have had contact with adults. Emotions are essentially pre-programmed (Gable). Everyone is born with the genetic ability to express emotions of a big variety from joy to rage to fear, but they ha ve to be in a situation that brings them out. For example, a baby will not experience rage often. It would probably occur later on in life when the child is older and he or she gets in an argument. Brain and physical development are also essentially pre-programmed. There is a specific pattern that the various parts develop in, which is related to each other exactly. The length of time it takes to go through each developmental phase does vary from child to child but that time amount is often genetically fixed, varying on a week or more scale, depending on the phase. Physical development, which is more influenced by nature than nurture compared to mental development, basically moves from head to toe. First the head and neck gain control so the baby will raise its head while lying on its back. Language is another of the many things affected by nature. Before a baby is even an hour or so old it will recognize his native language and respond differently to that versus other. Babies also have the ability to hear, and thus learn, all the various sounds in any language but unless this is practiced and regularly heard they will lose the ability within the first year in life. An example of this would be a study done on Chinese babies. Babies of various ages and language exposure were tested to see whether they could tell the difference between an r and an l sound which Chinese adults have difficulty with. Babies with regular exposure to English and babies under age one could distinguish one from the other but other older babies had problems. The reason this is significant is that it shows humans are born with the ability to understand a great range of language even if it is not one that will be used and it is a part of your nature, when previously it was thought that all language skills must be taught. Now, Nurture abides of many things. It is the environment the child is raised in, including parenting, early schooling, the home, eating habits, interactions with people and many other things, but excluding genetics. As Sarah Gable says, The way a parent nurtures a baby has a profound effect on how the child develops. Stimulation is a very important part of brain development, which consists of anything that causes the brain to be used, through any of the senses. Without the stimulation the brain has no opportunity to develop, and because the human brain triples in size from one quarter to three quarters its adult size within the first year, its very important that this occurs early in life. Stimulation doesnt have to be anything as complex as piano lessons or vocabulary flashcards though. It can be as simple as hanging a mobile over the crib to give the child something to visually focus on. Vision is a particularly good sense to work on improving, as babies only truly see light, shad ow, and some colors for the first couple of months. By age two the baby usually has 20/60 vision, which continues to sharpen to about 20/25 by age six(Gable). Other stimulation can be anything from playing with new toys to regularly talking to the baby and pointing out people, objects, and other things as you talk about them. This will help the baby learn to make affiliations between speech and objects, which is how they learn the words for things, and also get the first interactions that are important. Gable says, it is also great to expose babies to new places and people, even if it going next door to your friends house with you. The way almost all studies are done with babies most often involve giving a baby a pacifier with instruments inside that can measure how fast and hard they are sucking on it. After the baby is given the pacifier various sounds are played or images are shown and the reactions are observed and recorded. Faster and stronger sucking on the pacifiers occurs wh en the baby is more attentive or astounded. As mentioned before, some of the arguments help both sides of the debate. For instance, although emotions and their reactions are pre-programmed, the situations that bring them out would be categorized as nurture which leads me to believe that nurture may be a bit more important. Also, with the topic of language, the idea that after a year babies start to lose the ability to hear the other phonetic sounds outside of their own native language means that without the regular exposure (nurture) they lose this. Its got to be nature because they are born with the ability, but its nurture because without use they lose it. As twins begin their adolescent years they seek out to establish their own unique qualities. While one teen may be interested in sports the other may be interested in music or art. There has not been a 100% guarantee that those interests have been linked to their genetic makeup or environmental factors. Although behavioral scientists have determined that genes play a role in personality development they havent yet determined how the genes interact in a particular personality trait. There is no gene for music or sports, so with that said environment must play an equal role. As teens begin to explore new friendships, they tend to seek out friends that are somewhat like themselves. One of the twins may be very shy and the other more outgoing. Choosing friends seems to be more on the environmental side of the scale. Some scientists have also believed that genetics contribute to most behavior attitudes but studies still have not shown certain proof. Being around twins, it may seem believa ble that their likes and dislikes can be related to their surroundings. On the other hand, when they are apart, sometimes they do some of the same things without even knowing which may be a part of the gene factor. It seems to be evident that both genetic and environmental factors play an equal part in our twin studies. As scientists continue to study those factors maybe they will come to a conclusion as to which factor is greater. In conclusion, almost everyone in any related field has an opinion as to which is truly more important, nature or nurture. The director of a group called the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart, Thomas Bouchard, believes that 70 percent of a persons personality is genetic and 30 percent is due to environment. The director of the Louisville Twin Study, Adam Matheny, however, says it is 50-50. Although in our opinion is that, both nature and nurture are very important. As we have mentioned before, both of the two are affecting to language development and as well as emotions. A lot of physical development is pre-programmed to accompany with brain development and is brought about through nature. Nurture, such as stimulation, is also necessary for the brain to develop though. Even the cases of identical twins are not a perfect example of nature working its secret. If some of the ties happen to be coincidence and some happen to be based on doubtful knowledge of their past, the entire ide a seems less dependable. For example, the fact that the Easterling twins both named their sons James Allen or James Alan is simply naming the child after themselves, and then it might be Allen/Alan because they were told that their birth father was named Alan. The only way we could know for sure is to know more about the connection of all the things that are the same between them both. Since we dont know any context we can only take it as the doubtful information it is. Based on all my given information, I believe that nurture is more important than nature, at a balance of approximately 70 percent of early childhood development being influenced by a persons environment and 30 percent being influenced by genetics. The two are so tied together that you cannot ever fully divide one idea from another.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Battle of Gettysburg :: essays research papers

What was supposed to last 90 days, now dragged on for more than two years. It was apparent, now more than ever, that little was being accomplished but the taking of hundreds of thousands of lives. The war between the Union and Confederacy had been in a sort of deadlock where each side could claim victories as easy as defeats. By this time the south had the upper hand â€Å"militarily wise,† just coming off a magnificent tactical victory at Chancellorsville in May. General Lee headed the Confederacy’s, Army of Northern Virginia, General Meade headed the Union’s Army of the Potomac. Both sides saw the need to win that one, crucial victory to turn the tide completely in their favor. They would get their chances at a small town in Pennsylvania. The battle was dubbed the Battle of Gettysburg for the town of Gettysburg, PA.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  By June of 1863 General Lee asked President Davis to march his army north out of VA. Davis granted Lee permission. Lee, with 75,000 troops, made his way north, just west of the Blue Ridge Mountains into Maryland. Lee made haste in doing so. He wanted the advantage to set up a defensive position forcing the Union to attack him there. His troops went from town to town for food and supplies. On June 28th they crossed into Pennsylvania and toward Gettysburg. Upon arrival about a mile northwest of town, Colonel Buford’s cavalry unit met Lee’s III Corps headed by General Hood. Much to his disappointment his troops had began to fight without his acknowledgement. Meanwhile, the Army of the Potomac was hot on Lee’s heels but marched east of the Blue Ridge so as not to be detected. Meade with 100,000 men would arrive piece by piece in the next two days from the south of town.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The battle was inevitable and it began here in a little known farm town. Both sides knew that Antietam was just a prelude, a year earlier, to the carnage which was to come. General and soldier alike could see what was unraveling. These armies saw a similar scenario the first time Lee brought his army north.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many reasons can be attributed to why General Robert E. Lee wanted to lead his troops into hostile northern territory. He knew he would be vastly outnumbered and without support.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One reason was that for 2 years now Virginia was being destroyed do to battle and armies.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Enterprise Resource Planning and Software Systems Essay

Hershey Food Corporation, the biggest manufacturer of candy products in the United States, decided to implement a new Enterprise Resource Planning system titled Enterprise 21 starting in 1996. The ERP system consisted of many different software systems. These systems included SAP AG, Manugistics, and Siebel systems. With the implementation of these software systems, Hershey believed its mass market candy business strategy would be emphasized. Hershey’s Expected Benefits of Enterprise 21 Hershey had many goals for Enterprise 21. In general, Hershey had a goal of upgrading and standardizing the hardware and software systems. In attempt to upgrade the hardware, Hershey moved from a mainframe-based network to a client-server network. This upgrade would allow for Hershey to use and share its information with people inside the company as well as distributors outside the company, a critical aspect of establishing good customer relationships. The upgrade and standardization of the software system was a much larger goal. The SAP system, which allows for communication within company functions, was to be installed with other software systems. Manugistics software system would be used to forecast production and scheduling. Manugistics would also be useful as a transportation management system. The benefit of this system would greatly lower inventory holding costs and transportation costs, the two largest expenses in logistics management. Hershey also decided to implement Siebel systems, which is designed to aid in establishing and maintaining customer relationships, as well as a measuring device of the effectiveness of marketing strategies. Hershey’s Implementation Approach The first part of Hershey’s implementation process started with the installation of a bar-coding system. A bar-coding system is necessary to improve logistic management by tracking inbound and outbound materials and products. Due to a modification of the SAP system, Hershey decided to move the target date of the installation of the system to April of 1999. This new date meant the company had only thirty nine months to complete the implementation instead of the forty eight months originally forecasted. Due to the delay of the implementation of the full SAP system, the Siebel and Manugistics systems were also delayed. Because of the delays, the implementation of the new ERP system immediately caused problems because by mid July, when Halloween orders were arriving, the system had just been installed. Due to Halloween orders already arriving, Hershey’s information technology personnel decided to implement the ERP system using the cutover strategy, a very risky approach where all systems go into affect all at once. This approach failed, causing shortages with distributors of Hershey products. These shortages lead to bad customer relationships with distributors which further lead to bad relationships with their customers. Hershey could have used a much better implementation approach by slowly implementing their new system. The cutover strategy caused great confusion for employees who both entered orders and communicated those orders to production facilities and to employees who filled orders in warehouses. Causes of the Problems and Who is Responsible There are many different theories on the causes of the implementation failures of Hershey’s ERP system. Many believed that the software systems were not functioning properly. However, this was not the case, as these systems were operating smoothly in different units of Hershey. I believe the cause was directly related to the failure to use the systems properly. Due to the rushed implementation of the system, training and education of the new system was not properly or thoroughly conducted. Employees were confused not only how to operate the system but also did not see how the different software systems fit together. With better education and training, employees would have been able to process orders much more effectively and efficiently. The knowledge we have that the SAP system, along with Siebel and Manugistics, was working properly in other regions takes away the ability to blame the software companies for this ERP system failure. The blame has to be put in the hands of the information technology managers, as they were the personnel that decided to implement this system at such a fast pace. However, business managers and executives should have raised questions about the training of employees and potential disasters this system can cause. After all, the goal of an integrated ERP system is to link the different aspects of a business and to increase the communication between employees. Although IT personnel made the implementation approach decision, executives and managers should have had a larger role in the process before changing operations drastically as their busiest season was quickly approaching. Impacts on the Hershey Organization The largest impact that the Hershey organization had to deal with was the effect on the customer relationships. In an extremely competitive and global business world, customer relationships are one of the most important aspects of having a successful business. As noted in the article, distributors were unable to receive Hershey products, which further affected their customer relationships. This lead to a loss of distribution warehouse space as well as shelf space in stores, which forced customers to choose substitutes. Conclusion Although Hershey suffered huge losses in 1999 and part of 2000, they rebounded strongly in 2000. The reputation of quality products is what I believe to be the reason for their comeback. Without Hershey’s prior strong reputation and strong customer relationships, Hershey would not have been able to recover from this ERP system failure. All companies should use this failure as a guideline when implementing new software systems. Corporations must cautiously implement their systems in a manner that allows proper employee training and production efficiency while still maintaining customer relationships.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

True Grit

Ronnie Simonson Mrs. Brown W-2 2-26-11 The Analysis of Baseball A very famous author and poet May Swenson, wrote a poem called the,† The Analysis of Baseball†. This Poem uses many types of poetry elements. The elements that are primarily used in, â€Å"The Analysis of Baseball† are Onamonpias, Rhyme, and metaphors. In the Poem,†The Analysis of Baseball† there are many Onamonpias used as an element of poetry. In this poem Onamonpias are used to get the reader into the poem and give excitement.The first example where an Onamonpia is used is when May Swenson says, â€Å"Ball bounces off bat, flies air, or thwack ball meets mitt. What that statement was saying was that the batter can choose whether to make contact with the ball or watch as it goes into the catcher’s mitt. One more example where an Onamonpia is used to give excitement to the poem is where she says, â€Å"Sometimes ball gets hit Pow when bat meets it, and sails to a place where mitt just has to quit. In that example the word POW is the sound that is going to occur when the ball meets the bat. Next in the poem, â€Å"The Analysis of Baseball† rhyme is another element of poetry used in this poem. In this poem rhyme is used because it gives it a scene of humor and helps the reader get a rhythm. The first example where rhyme is used is when the poet says, â€Å"Ball hates to take bat’s bait. † What that is saying is that the ball doses not want to come into a coalition with the bat or have a big impact.The next example of rhyme that is used stated is,† Ball flirts, bats late, don’t keep the date. † What that meant was that the batter was late to swing and now cannot hit the ball. The last main element of poetry that was used in, â€Å"The Analysis of Baseball† is Metaphors. One example of a metaphor is when May Swenson says, â€Å"Bat waits for ball to mate. Ball hates to take bats bait. † In that verse May Swen son is saying that the batter has swung and missed the ball and now has a strike because the bat wants to mate but the ball does not want to take bats bait.The next example where a metaphor is used is when she says, â€Å"Ball flirts, bats late, don’t keep the date. † What that statement was saying is the batter has once again swung and missed and now has an additional strike. This poem has used many types of elements of poetry. May Swenson used metaphors, rhyme, and Onamonpias to give this poem excitement and also help give the reader meaning to the poem. This poem also tells the reader what is happening without really even telling them what is happening. True Grit Ronnie Simonson Mrs. Brown W-2 2-26-11 The Analysis of Baseball A very famous author and poet May Swenson, wrote a poem called the,† The Analysis of Baseball†. This Poem uses many types of poetry elements. The elements that are primarily used in, â€Å"The Analysis of Baseball† are Onamonpias, Rhyme, and metaphors. In the Poem,†The Analysis of Baseball† there are many Onamonpias used as an element of poetry. In this poem Onamonpias are used to get the reader into the poem and give excitement.The first example where an Onamonpia is used is when May Swenson says, â€Å"Ball bounces off bat, flies air, or thwack ball meets mitt. What that statement was saying was that the batter can choose whether to make contact with the ball or watch as it goes into the catcher’s mitt. One more example where an Onamonpia is used to give excitement to the poem is where she says, â€Å"Sometimes ball gets hit Pow when bat meets it, and sails to a place where mitt just has to quit. In that example the word POW is the sound that is going to occur when the ball meets the bat. Next in the poem, â€Å"The Analysis of Baseball† rhyme is another element of poetry used in this poem. In this poem rhyme is used because it gives it a scene of humor and helps the reader get a rhythm. The first example where rhyme is used is when the poet says, â€Å"Ball hates to take bat’s bait. † What that is saying is that the ball doses not want to come into a coalition with the bat or have a big impact.The next example of rhyme that is used stated is,† Ball flirts, bats late, don’t keep the date. † What that meant was that the batter was late to swing and now cannot hit the ball. The last main element of poetry that was used in, â€Å"The Analysis of Baseball† is Metaphors. One example of a metaphor is when May Swenson says, â€Å"Bat waits for ball to mate. Ball hates to take bats bait. † In that verse May Swen son is saying that the batter has swung and missed the ball and now has a strike because the bat wants to mate but the ball does not want to take bats bait.The next example where a metaphor is used is when she says, â€Å"Ball flirts, bats late, don’t keep the date. † What that statement was saying is the batter has once again swung and missed and now has an additional strike. This poem has used many types of elements of poetry. May Swenson used metaphors, rhyme, and Onamonpias to give this poem excitement and also help give the reader meaning to the poem. This poem also tells the reader what is happening without really even telling them what is happening.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Sociology of the Internet and Digital Sociology

The Sociology of the Internet and Digital Sociology The sociology of the internet is a subfield of sociology in which researchers focus on how the internet plays a role in mediating and facilitating communication and interaction, and on how it affects and is affected by social life more broadly. Digital sociology is a related and similar subfield, however, researchers within it focus on such questions as they pertain to the more recent technologies and forms of online communication, interaction, and commerce associated with Web 2.0, social media, and the internet of things. Sociology of the Internet: An Historical Overview In the late 1990s, the sociology of the internet took shape as a subfield. The sudden widespread diffusion and adoption of the internet in the U.S. and other Western nations drew the attention of sociologists because the early platforms enabled by this technologyemail, list-serves, discussion boards and forums, online news and writing, and early forms of chat programswere seen as having significant impacts on communication and social interaction. Internet technology allowed for new forms of communication, new sources of information, and new ways of disseminating it, and sociologists wanted to understand how these would impact peoples lives, cultural patterns, and social trends, as well as larger social structures, like the economy and politics. Sociologists who first studied internet-based forms of communication took interest in impacts on identity and social networks that online discussion forums and chat rooms might have, especially for people experiencing social marginalization because of their identity. They came to understand these as online communities that might become important in a persons life, as either a replacement or a supplement to existing forms of community in their immediate surroundings. Sociologists also took interest in the concept of virtual reality and its implications for identity and social interaction, and the implications of the society-wide shift from an industrial to an information economy, enabled by the technological advent of the internet. Others studied the potential political implications of the adoption of internet technology by activist groups and politicians. Across most topics of study, sociologists paid close attention to the way online activities and relationships might be related to or have impacts on those a person engages in offline. One of the earliest sociological essays pertinent to this subfield was written by Paul DiMaggio and colleagues in 2001, titled  Social Implications of the Internet, and published in  Annual Review of Sociology. In it, DiMaggio and his colleagues outlined then-current concerns within the sociology of the internet. These included the digital divide, relationships between the internet and  community and social capital (social ties), the impact of the internet on political participation, how internet technology impacts organizations and economic institutions and our relationships to them, and cultural participation and cultural diversity. Common methods during this early stage of studying the online world included network analysis, used to study the ties between people facilitated by the internet, virtual ethnography conducted in discussion forums and chat rooms, and content analysis of information published online. Digital Sociology in Todays World As internet communication technologies (ICTs) have evolved, so too have their roles in our lives and their impacts on social relations and society overall. As such, so too has the sociological approach to studying these evolved. The sociology of the internet dealt with users who sat before wired desktop PCs to participate in various forms of online communities, and while that practice still exists and has even become more common, the way we connect to the internet nowmostly via wireless mobile devices, the advent of a wide variety of new communication platforms and tools, and the general diffusion of ICTs into all aspects of social structure and our lives requires new research questions and methods of study. These shifts also enable new and larger scales of researchthink big datanever before seen in the history of science. Digital sociology, the contemporary subfield that has subsumed and taken over from the sociology of the internet since the late 2000s, takes into account the variety of ICT devices that populate our lives, the variety of ways in which we use them (communication and networking, documentation, cultural and intellectual production and sharing of content, consuming content/entertainment, for education, organization and the management of productivity, as vehicles for commerce and consumption, and on and on), and the many and varied implications these technologies have for social life and society overall (in terms of identity, belonging and loneliness, politics, and safety and security, among many others). EDIT: Role of digital media in social life, and how digital technologies and media are related to behavior, relationships, and identity. Recognizes the central role that these now play in all aspects of our lives. Sociologists must take them into account, and they have done so in terms of the kinds of research questions they ask, how they conduct research, how they publish it, how they teach, and how they engage with audiences. The widespread adoption of social media and the use of hashtags have been a data boon for sociologists, many of whom now turn to Twitter and Facebook to study public engagement with and perception of contemporary social issues and trends. Outside the academy, Facebook assembled a team of social scientists to mine the sites data for trends and insights and regularly publishes research on topics like how people use the site during periods of romantic courtship, relationship, and what happens before and after people break up. The subfield of digital sociology also includes research that focuses on how sociologists use digital platforms and data to conduct and disseminate research, how digital technology shapes the teaching of sociology, and on the rise of a digitally enabled public sociology that brings social science findings and insights to large audiences outside of academia. In fact, this site is a prime example of this. Development of Digital Sociology Since 2012 a handful of sociologists have focused on defining the subfield of digital sociology, and on promoting it as an area of research and teaching. Australian sociologist Deborah Lupton recounts in her 2015 book on the topic,  titled simply  Digital Sociology, that U.S. sociologists Dan Farrell and James C. Peterson in 2010 called sociologists to task for not yet embracing web-based data and research, though many other fields had. In 2012 the subfield became formalized in the UK when members of the British Sociological Association, including Mark Carrigan, Emma Head, and Huw Davies created a new study group designed to develop a set of best practices for digital sociology. Then, in 2013, the first edited volume on the topic was published, titled  Digital Sociology: Critical Perspectives.  First focused conference in New York in 2015. In the U.S. there is no formalized organization around the subfield, however many sociologists have turned to the digital, in both research focus and methods. Sociologists who do so can be found among research groups including the  American Sociological Associations sections on Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology,  Science, Knowledge and Technology,  Environment and Technology, and Consumers and Consumption, among others. Digital Sociology: Key Areas of Study Researchers within the subfield of digital sociology study a wide range of topics and phenomena, but some areas have emerged as of particular interest. These include: The impact of ICTs on social relationships, like the role that social media plays in teen friendships today,  how and which rules of etiquette have emerged around smartphone use in the company of others, and how they impact dating and romance in todays world.How ICTs are a part of the processes of crafting and expressing identity, like through creation of social media profiles on popular sites including Facebook and Instagram, how selfies are a part of those processes in todays world, and the extent to which there may be benefits or drawbacks to expressing ourselves online.The impact of ICTs and social media on political expression, activism, and campaigning. For example, some sociologists are curious about the role and impacts of changing ones Facebook profile picture to reflect solidarity with a cause, and others, in how online activism might impact and/or advance issues offline.The role and impact of ICTs and the web in processes of building group affiliation and community, part icularly among marginalized groups like LGBT individuals, racial minorities, and among extremist groups like anti-vaxxers and hate groups. Since the early days of the sociology of the internet, the digital divide has been an area of concern for sociologists. Historically that has referred to the way wealth brokers access to ICTs and all the resources of the web-connected to them. That issue remains relevant today, however others kinds of divides have emerged, like how race affects the use of social media in the U.S. ​Notable Digital Sociologists Mark Carrigan, University of Warwick (education, capitalism, and big data)Deborah Lupton, University of Canberra (defining digital sociology as a subfield)Mary Ingram-Waters, Arizona State University (fantasy football and identity and ethics)C.J. Pascoe, University of Oregon (teen use of social media and ICTs)Jennifer Earl, Arizona State University (politics and activism)Juliet Schor, Boston College (peer-to-peer and connected consumption)Alison Dahl Crossley, Stanford University (feminist identities and activism)

Monday, October 21, 2019

Reflection Questions 1 †Education Essay question and answer

Reflection Questions 1 – Education Essay question and answer Free Online Research Papers Q: Do you agree that having an enthusiastic teacher teach an unimportant subjet is preferable to an uninspired teacher teaching a crucial subject? What implications do you see in this remark? On what assumptions about teaching, students, and subject matter is based? R:I think that I would rather have a teacher that is enthusiastic teacher to teach a critical subject would be the ideal learning environment. Further, the implications in this remark are that a teacher should be conformable with the content which they are instructing, as well as show a level of enthusiasm. A teacher should be dry and boring to the point that students dread you teaching them. Q:What is the difference between common sense and theoretical knowledge? R:The difference between common sense and theoretical knowledge it that common sense it the type of knowledge that is learned in everyday environment. For example; a person applies and uses common sense when going out in the rain; their common sense, which is learned tells them to take an umbrella to keep from getting wet. In contrast, theoretical knowledge is the learned knowledge by reading text material on various subjects. Theoretical knowledge is usually applicable in the context to which it applies. Q: We have maintained that decision-making skills are important for teachers. What do you think you can do to improve your ability to make good decisions as you plan and deliver instruction? R:To improve my decision making skills and abilities as I plan and deliver instruction, I will practice making as many sound decisions that I can. I believe that in order to learn how to make proper decisions as a future teacher, you must endeavor to practice making as many decision as you are cable of over a given day or in the course of a time frame. Q:Which of the skills listed in the â€Å"knowing Venus Doing† section of this chapter seems most important to you? What skills would you add to the list? What skills would you subtract from it? R: As a future teacher I would keep all to the following from the list of â€Å"knowing versus doing†. They are all pertinent essential skills for teaching. Research Papers on Reflection Questions 1 - Education Essay question and answerStandardized TestingBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesTrailblazing by Eric AndersonIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalThree Concepts of PsychodynamicAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementResearch Process Part OneHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Essay

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Short Essay on Nelson Mandela

Short Essay on Nelson Mandela Short Essay on Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela was a popular figure not only in South Africa but in the whole world, and this was mostly because of what he stood for and symbolized in life. Nelson Mandela, or Rolihlahla Mandela, was born on the 18th day of July in the year 1918 and adopted the name Nelson after he was named so by a teacher in the school where he was learning as a young boy. Nelson was born in the Transkei area of South Africa. Transkei is an area characterized by numerous mountains, grasslands and valleys. The area is located on the southwestern part of South Africa. Mandela’s father, Henry Mandela, was a tribal chief of the Tembu tribe and together with his wife and Mandela’s mother, Fanny, were related to the royal family of Tembu. Mandela, however, grew up without his father because his father passed on when he was only 9 years old. After which, an acting chief of the Tembu tribe raised him. Mandela received his basic education in a mission school where he excelled in his education and later attended college. While in school and college, Mandela enjoyed a variety of sporting activities, including running and boxing. While at the University of Fort Hare, Mandela trained as a lawyer and among his friends in law school was Oliver Tambo. Mandela, however, moved away from the law school in 1939 after students held a series of demonstrations in protest of the way the law school was run. Even though the custom required that his parents select for him a wife, Mandela did not want to abide by this custom of arranged marriages and he therefore left his home area and went to Johannesburg. It is in the city of Johannesburg that Mandela completed his studies and eventually became a qualified lawyer. It was after his education that Mandela decided to become more involved in finding solutions to the many problems that plagued the South Africans, in particular, the black-skinned South Africans. South Africa comprises mostly black individuals but there are also some European and Asian people in the South African community. The Dutch, also known as the Boers, came into South Africa in 1652 and it is they that colonized the nation up to 1815, when Britain took over the nation and made it part of the then expanding British empire. Even though the foreigners brought a lot of improvement to South Africa, the natives and the foreigners did not always live in peace and there were many instances when war broke out between the two communities. Often, the blacks did not have any say in the way South Africa was ruled and were heavily segregated under what came to be known as apartheid. It was this unfair treatment of blacks that drove Mandela to join and become an active participant of the ANC party in 1944. Mandela, Tambo and many other individuals then used the ANC as a vehicle to fight apartheid and finally give South Africans much needed freedom. How to write a short essay about Nelson Mandela: One of the ways of writing a short essay is to, first, draft a regular sized one and then make it more concise when rewriting it into the final draft. There is no need in wordy descriptions and long introductions; be straight to the point in all your arguments. It is also recommended, when writing a short essay, to address your argument to the general audience, rather than a specific group of people. This way, you can predict what questions your audience might have, while reading your essay. Our essay writing service is developed to provide students with custom written essays of the highest quality. All you need is to contact our website now!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Marketing Strategy by Mercedes-Benz Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Marketing Strategy by Mercedes-Benz - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that Mercedes-Benz is a famous German Brand of automobiles, created by the merger between Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (DMG) and Benz & Cie. in 1926. This event marked the birth of a new car brand to hold on to the tradition of the two oldest car manufacturers in the world and also to ensure a successful future for both the companies. The trademark of Mercedes-Benz represents the value of innovation, quality, awareness of tradition and performance. The enterprise is headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany. The enterprise focuses on the manufacturing of luxury vehicles, trucks, passenger vehicles, and buses. The Mercedes-AMG has been awarded the ‘Engine of the Year Awards 2015† which demonstrates the company’s expertise in the development and production of high-performance engines. Mercedes-Benz won at the â€Å"World Car Awards† awards in 2015 for three consecutive times whereas the Mercedes-Benz C-Class won the â€Å"W orld Car of the Year 2015 Award†. This represents the tremendous popularity of the brand among its consumers. The government of Germany highly stable which facilitates the business environment of the nation. Germany’s recent coalition government is in the process of altering the successful reforms in well-meaning labor market measures, but this may affect the future investment in the German automobile sector. It is a high wage country with respect to the automobile industry. The government’s energy policy also affects the other industries which act as suppliers to the automobile industry such as the metal industry. The government also needs to design a sound educational policy as Germany is dependent on its human capital due to the lack of natural resources. However, the German government also takes steps to boost the automobile industry such as providing financial assistance including measures like loan guarantees and tax reliefs.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Corporate Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 1

Corporate Planning - Essay Example In the 1930s, after the Great Depression, quality of life management became the most modern phase of CSR where issues of improving societal gain in areas of lifestyle enhancement became the objective of business, government and corporate leadership. As time progresses, economies and specific international regions are recognising new trends in social attitude and consumer behaviour which are driving new and innovative practices for ensuring positive corporate reputation and also satisfying social beliefs on moral and ethical business practices. The historical phases of CSR maintain both strengths and weaknesses, which will be identified in this paper along with discussion of how these historical phases have developed into new CSR objectives in modern society. Additionally, recommendations on implementing effective corporate social responsibility activities in Hong Kong will be identified and discussed. The concepts of social responsibility were largely generated from the American perspective, since this region was essentially a launching pad for industrialism and growth in the late 1800s. â€Å"America in the 19th century was a society of economic scarcity where economic growth and the accumulation of aggregate wealth were primary national goals† (Hay and Gray, 1974, p.136). It was during this period where the business system was considered to be a quality tool for reducing this scarcity, thus the focus of leadership in the corporate environment was to ensure maximisation of profits in order to enhance total economic growth within a region. One weakness of this historical phase is that it did not involve governmental influence when dictating what were acceptable social responsibility policies at the business level, therefore there was no regulatory body to oversee business activities at the internal level. Because of this lack of regulation and legislation, companies were allowed to exploit child labour and provide unsafe working conditions for


'ONLINE BASED COMPANY ANALYSIS AND BENCHMARKING' assignment - Essay Example It is for this reason that companies specialized in making bride dress; have resorted to the internet to market and hence sell their products. This report’s main focus is develop a benchmark for examining the best features and practices of bride’s dresses related information web pages so that they can be implemented in the existing company (1K Bride company). However, before developing the benchmark for the analysis, the report offers a detailed literature review on the importance of internet-and particularly online communication- to the companies that specialize on bride dresses. In relation to the predetermined set of analytical criteria, the evaluation of similar websites will be undertaken (Clegg 1997, pg71). Both the strengths and weakness of each and every website will be highlighted, thereby giving much needed direction towards how the website of ‘1K Bride Dresses’ can be improved from its current status to a much improved one. It is worth noting that: 1K Bride Dresses falls under fashion and design industry in Australia therefore much of the information gathered will be generalized with t he assumptions that it fits well with 1K bride Company. This incredible growth of the digital universe means that more than simply the fact that individuals will be facing information explosion on an unprecedented scale. This has implications for organizations concerning security, privacy, content management, intellectual property protection, data centre architecture, technology adoption and information management. According to the prediction made by IDC; while almost 70% of the digital universe will be created by individuals, fashion and design firms will be responsible for the security, privacy, compliance and reliability of at least 85% of the same digital universe (Chung 2003, p11). In fact, according to IDC, information and privacy protection has become a boardroom

Consumer Participation in Mental Healthcare Essay

Consumer Participation in Mental Healthcare - Essay Example Different stakeholders have suggested several strategies and intervention mechanisms to promote consumer participation in mental health care. According to World Health Organization (W.H.O), the empowerment of patients is a prudent strategy to strike a balance between the patients and mental healthcare providers. This report seeks to explore consumer participation in mental healthcare in three series. First, it will briefly look at the benefits and barriers to consumer participation. Second, it will give consumers account with the healthcare. Lastly, it will analyze its finding and provide concrete conclusion. Several governments have formulated policies that aim at solving the barriers between their mental patients and healthcare providers. These initiatives intend to maximize the benefits of a smooth mental healthcare. Different stakeholders employ these initiatives at different level. With the knowledge that consumers are paramount to the successes of the endeavor, these government s focus on consumer friendly interventions. The varied level of participation include, establishment of national consumer networks, officers of consumer networks, and consumer- directed provider organizations. Moreover, the policies promote consumer participation in the mental health facilities. ... The driving force of all these policies is to bridge the gap between the two mental patients and health sector. Consumer participation has many benefits in the mental healthcare not only to the consumer but also to the improvement of health sector’s image. To start with, through patient empowerment programs, there is remarkable improvement in health service delivery. These programs help mental patients to develop self-esteem, confidence and to realize their rights even in such mental state. Empowerment eliminates the perception that mental patient’s have little to contribute in the society and nation as a whole. Empowerment achieves acceptance of the mental patients in the society. These programs unite the patients and the community. This brings harmony and gives a chance for the mental patients to participate in productive activities. This is not only at community level, but also at national level. Moreover, the programs boost the full recovery of individuals. Mental p atients empowerment serves as a unifying factor between the patients and the health professionals. Health practitioners accord respect to this patients. This is because they know an empowered patient knows his/her right. Any attempt to violate the patients’ right is met with punitive measures. Second, consumer participation improves access to quality mental healthcare. Consumers and other stakeholders contribute immensely to sound strategies. The inclusion of consumers ensures there is accountability and transparence in the mental healthcare. Designing of consumer friendly strategies is achieved. Moreover, consumers participate in the implementation of programs that are befitting to them and the community. This allows the health sector

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Dependence of Man on the Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Dependence of Man on the Environment - Essay Example As human beings it is our responsibility to take good care of our nature and our environment. Some people also argue that environment has been created for man and he can use it in any way he wants to. Both have become banners for different power bases, making the arguments itself almost irrelevant. Human beings have the ability to use their actions in a positive way which can be useful for both the environment and their own selves. The idea of working with environmental circumstances rather than trying to control the surroundings must be the motivating idea behind any changes in the relationship with mother earth. Dependence of man on environment is a two-way link; helped in essence by the input that man has manifested within the reigns of the environment itself. The clear cut methodology for having an environmental friendly atmosphere is dependent on the actions (and inactions) of man alone. The development of new and advanced technologies is based on the idea that man can control nature to some extent and thus use it for his defensive ideologies. These changes can range from weather maps to electronic meters, and natural disasters to the natural development of the human race itself. For example, one of the most common motivating factors behind technological development is the environmental aspect of isolated expanding human populations which is, of course, war. Mankind was made and has always been supported by the environment. Both the Bible and the theory of evolution agree with this fact nonetheless. According to Bible, God has created this world and produced human beings. He is the one to have sent Adam as the caretaker of the world as well as its environment. The theory of evolution says that man appeared because he occupied a niche in the environmental scheme of things. The Bible and the theory of evolution agree on other issues as well. They both have concluded t hat mankind can only survive if it cooperates with the environment that exists

BP Pipeline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

BP Pipeline - Essay Example Micro economics involves policies for enhancing equity and efficiency in the economy via the judicial and the regulatory mechanism. Opportunity Cost Opportunity cost is one of the mostly used concepts in economics. The opportunity cost is the highest valued alternative of something that must be forgone when making a choice. Thus it can be defined as the cost paid when something is given up in order to get something else. Assessing opportunity cost of any event is important in establishing the real cost of any action. BP pipeline should consider the opportunity cost of constructing a pipeline in order to reduce shipping through road transport as suggested by Mankiw (2011). As the company sets its various routes on the table it has to consider the concept of opportunity cost thus assessing why a given route is preferred over the other. Budget Deficit Budget deficit refers to the amount by which a company or government expenses exceed its income for a given period of time as suggested b y Dyker (1992). Budget deficit is major point of controversy in BP Pipeline Company given the various expenses the company has suffered due to oil spills. As a result, Congressional republicans are against the tougher oil and gas pipeline safety standards as they are bound to hinder economic growth. This is following the frequent budget deficits that the BP pipeline company has suffered. For instance BP’s latest incidences of oil spills have left the republicans devastated as their contra regulation arguments have been curtailed. This has resulted in the incurrence of huge budget deficits and the republicans and the house representatives have proposed bills to reduce the budget deficits faced by EPA due to such oil pollution. This will lead to a situation where BP pipeline will compensate EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in case they experience oil spills Leading to a higher budget deficit for BP pipeline . Although BP has proofed successful in stalking the waste, the in creasing spending in compensation of damages caused by the spills largely increases its budget deficit. In addition BP is bound to suffer cost of repair and clean-up operations liabilities thus increasing the company’s deficit spending. However BP has promised that everyone affected by spills will be compensated. The Company has thus signed several agreements with local municipalities and shrimpers following the spill effect. It is no doubt thus BP pipeline has suffered huge budget deficits which are affecting the countries economy to a great extend. National Debt National debt is also referred to as government or public debt and it is the money owed by the central government. In the United States national debt can also refer to a municipal or local government debt. National debt reflects on all government liabilities such as pension payment as well as payment for goods and services received and not yet paid according to Cavanaugh (1996). In many cases government tend to borr ow funds in a currency with strong command for debt security. National debt can be caused by various aspects such government spending on disaster like the BP oil spill. Following the Alaska oil spill by the Bp pipeline company, the government has suffered great losses which have led to national debt. As a result, the central gover

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Dependence of Man on the Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Dependence of Man on the Environment - Essay Example As human beings it is our responsibility to take good care of our nature and our environment. Some people also argue that environment has been created for man and he can use it in any way he wants to. Both have become banners for different power bases, making the arguments itself almost irrelevant. Human beings have the ability to use their actions in a positive way which can be useful for both the environment and their own selves. The idea of working with environmental circumstances rather than trying to control the surroundings must be the motivating idea behind any changes in the relationship with mother earth. Dependence of man on environment is a two-way link; helped in essence by the input that man has manifested within the reigns of the environment itself. The clear cut methodology for having an environmental friendly atmosphere is dependent on the actions (and inactions) of man alone. The development of new and advanced technologies is based on the idea that man can control nature to some extent and thus use it for his defensive ideologies. These changes can range from weather maps to electronic meters, and natural disasters to the natural development of the human race itself. For example, one of the most common motivating factors behind technological development is the environmental aspect of isolated expanding human populations which is, of course, war. Mankind was made and has always been supported by the environment. Both the Bible and the theory of evolution agree with this fact nonetheless. According to Bible, God has created this world and produced human beings. He is the one to have sent Adam as the caretaker of the world as well as its environment. The theory of evolution says that man appeared because he occupied a niche in the environmental scheme of things. The Bible and the theory of evolution agree on other issues as well. They both have concluded t hat mankind can only survive if it cooperates with the environment that exists

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Rhetorical analysis. Tips of Lowering Medical Bills by Alice Park Essay

Rhetorical analysis. Tips of Lowering Medical Bills by Alice Park - Essay Example As such, Park emphasizes on the importance of managing medical bills and more so, conveys possible tips to enable Americans lower their medical bills. In fact, Park adopts a sentimental tone in order to advice her readers on the need to adopt these tips and save more. In addition, statistics, testimony, appeal and comparison are other notable techniques that park has employed in the essay. This paper explores a brief rhetorical analysis of an article, Tips of Lowering Medical Bills written by Alice Park. Notably, Park proposes several tips both at the emergency room and after receiving the bill. At the emergency room, request to be attended to by a doctor who participates in your insurance plan, again, ask for all lab tests that the hospital is sending outside to be sent to facilities that operates under your insurance plan. Similarly, ask about the tests ordered by doctor or nurse and if they are expensive, refer the tests to a facility that operates under your insurance plan (Park Web). After receiving the bill, ask for itemized bill that clearly show all the charges. Secondly, ask for an explanation from the hospital’s billing department for any disputed charges. In addition, make sure that the room charges starts from the day of your admission and are charged by its level (Park Web), and lastly, be keen on other additional charges. People also have the right to consult Medical-billing advocates if they don’t understand the bill presented to them by the hospital. The essays starts with a sensitive statistic retrieved from a research done by Medical Billing Advocates of America clearly indicates that â€Å"Americans spend nearly $7,000 per capita on health care every year†(Park Web). This is a good proof that most Americans experience a lot of challenges when it comes to settling down their medical bill. Park’s main subject in the essay was to address the issues affecting Americans health and trying to come up with possible solutio ns to the problems like employing certain ways to save more and lower their medical bills. The use of statistics above is one of the techniques Park has used to capture the attention of the readers. It lays a foundation of the essay since the reader will be interested in knowing why such huge amount of money is spend in healthcare services only. Park has also used testimony as one of the techniques to make her ideas more understandable. She has brought in the statement raised by one Kevin Flynn, the president of Medical Associations, who argues that while in the hospital, the patient should only worry about getting better first then financial issues, settling the medical bill to come last. Again, at the end of the essay, Park refers to the statements made by Palmer â€Å"But there are things that a patient is going to know that an advocate†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Park Web).To enable her convince the readers that their participation in lowering their medical bill is required. This is a good example to conclude that park acknowledged other people’s ideas when writing the essay. Another technique that Park uses very sentimental tone in her quest of convincing American patients that high medical bill they are experiencing can be reduced if they adopt certain tips and with the help of interested parties like Medical-billing Advocates of America. Medical billing Advocates, being the health care world’s equivalent of tax-refund specialists(Park Web), has saved most of the Americans by establishing various ways that Americans can use to enable them manipulate their huge spending on their medication. The tone used overall in the entire essay is appealing, persuasive and appealing. Appeal is also another

Monday, October 14, 2019

Best Practice and High Commitment HRM

Best Practice and High Commitment HRM Introduction What is high commitment HRM? It is a set of HRÂ  practices that has the potential to contribute towards organisational performance. They are mainly to increase labour turnover, reduce absenteeism, improvise employees behavior and attitude, improve quality and customer service. This has been argued by a set of US academics that there are a set of hr practices which can increase the productivity and organisational performance, these practices are good for the workers and the companies perspective, because it improves on employment security, training and development and the from the companies end it improves on the quality and the overall organisational performance. The best practices according to Pfeffer J (1998): Employment security and internal labour markets Selective hiring Extensive training, learning and development Team working High compensation contingent on performance Performance review appraisal and career development Reduction of status differentials/ harmonisation Work life balance Employment security and internal labour markets. This practice says that the company cannot ask everything from its employees without some expectation of employment security, which as a major concern over the employees future, but the author argues that how much of employment security the company can provide, the company cannot allow its employees to stay for their rest of their life nor they can sack the employees when required. The author considers this has one of most vital principles of high commitment Selective hiring and sophisticated selection Recruiting and retaining outstanding people and capturing a stock of exceptional human talent (Boxall 1996 , p 66-67) The author says that the most of the companies want to recruit those who can show commitment, team working skills and trainability in them. The company should be careful while defining the job profile in the advert so as to reduce the number of applications. The company should use precise techniques to recruit. The company should make use psychometric tests, structured interviews and work simulator in order to select the best. This process should be conducted by professional individuals. The author also points out the best key point about best practice selection is that the process of selection should be integrated and systematic, the company should make use of the techniques which are appropriate for the position and the organization. Extensive training, learning and development (kersley et al, 2005, p.84) says extensive training is to those companies who emphasis more on quality and customer service, where it is perceived to be crucial for organisational success. This practice says that the company having selected the best, the company should ensure they train their employees to be forefront in their field of work, the author also states, their has been a growing importance of individual and organisational learning to gain competitive advantage. (wright and gardner 2003, p312)says the word learning is very crucial as it demonstrates employer willingness to encourage and facilitate employee development rather than providing training to cover short term crisis. Employee involvement and participation and workers voice (Marchington and Wilkinson, 2005) say that there are numbers why EIP is an essential component of the high commitment. Firstly there should be communication about the company financial performance, strategy and operational matters. The message should be conveyed that they are to be trusted and treated in a positive manner. Secondly team working will provide a platform for workers to offer their suggestions and contribute towards organisational performance. Thirdly the management will consider the participation of workers to put across their ideas before decisions are ultimately made. EIP appears in prescription foe best practice or high commitment HRM, this may include downward communications, upward problem solving groups, all of which are designed to increase the involvement of individual employees in their workplace. The author also argues that it is difficult to compare results across studies and arrive at any firm conclusions about the importance of EIP to high commitment HRM. E IP is often little more than a cascade of information from management. The objective of such schemes such as team briefing is to reinforce the supervisor as an information disseminator. Self-managed teams/Team working (Marchington, 1999) says, team working as been identified by many employers as a fundamental component of organization success. Pfeffer, 1998, p76) says, team working is seen as a platform to make a better decision-making and the achievement of more creative solutions. The author also states that there is evidence that the employees who work in teams, generally report higher levels of satisfaction than their counter parts who work under the traditional regime. High compensation contingent on performance (Pfeffer 1998) says, that there are two elements to this practice, higher than average compensation and performance related reward, both these elements say that the employees are to be awarded for their superior contributions. The author says the pays should be competitive, to retain and to attract high quality labour. It should reflect different levels of workers contribution like being paid as regular bonus or through profit sharing schemes. (Huselid 1995) says two measures for this factor. One being the proportion of the workforce who have access to company incentive schemes, and the proportion, whose compensation is determined by performance appraisals. Performance review, appraisal and career development Performance review, appraisal and career development as key element in high commitment HRM, they help in defining performance expectations and in providing employees with their targets to aim for. There should be regular team meetings between the staff and the managers to review and feedback to the staff through performance appraisals. Performance review is concerned, that the current levels of performance are acceptable, and instigating action if they fall below expectations, it is also important in helping the workers to plan their future in the organization and in determining any further learning and training needs. Employers should be able to communicate clearly through the appraisal process, so as to link between the organisational performance and hr practices. Reduction of status differences /harmonisation This practice states that the companies which employ manual workers, should convey message to these workers and the lower level staff that they are also valuable assets and deserve to be treated in a similar way to their senior colleagues. This practice allows the employees to offer ideas within an open management culture. This practice can be achieved by having staff uniforms, shared canteens and car parking facilities. This helps to break down artificial barriers between different groups of staff, which will in turn encourage and support team working and flexibility. The company should extend share ownership to the workforce and by doing this status difference can be reduced. Work life balance Most of the companies are emphasizing on work life balance. Mainly women employees because they have to work and take care of the family too. many of the companies are changing their policies to attract and retain those women employees who have responsibility.(Houston 2005, CIPD 2006) After briefly explaining the best practices of high commitment HRM, I can understand that each of these practices is important in improvising on the organization growth. Most of the authors say that these practices cannot be implemented in isolation, but they should implemented in a package (Mac duffie 1995) most of the literature says that these practices support and mutually reinforce each other, for example workers are more positive if there is employment security and status free, workers show more interest in team working if their efforts are rewarded with performance related pay, work life balance, access to training opportunities and share ownership. We can understand if there was a formal way of a selection and induction employees are more likely to adopt flexible practices and to training opportunities. All these practices will pay of only if there is strong organisational culture. This is argued that these practices form a synergetic bundle which helps the organization to en joy success. A research was conducted by john Purcell, this study was basically to check the link between hr practices and people management and how hr practices impact on performance. This research was carried on 12 organizations in different sectors of the industry. The research was done by interviewing front line employees and line managers, at the initial stage most of the companies had a big idea which the company is trying to achieve. Most of the companies which had an big idea, it was not just a mission statement but it was the values which was spread throughout the organization so that they are embedded in their policies and practices, so these organization had strong practices to improve on the organizational performance. The research also said its important to have good front line managers who can implement the practices, its not enough to have good hr policies but there should be someone that makes sure that these policies are followed. It is important that these practices are followed , so that the employees feel good and take that extra mile at work. We can say that if a company as good line managers who can implement these practices in a right way so to bring the best in the workers, so that they can help on improvising on the overall perspective of the organization. On the contradictory these practices will show good results only if they are followed together, Various authors have found out the drawbacks of these practices, (wood and de menezes 1998:487) note that most of the studies indicate the lack of consistency, reporting fragmentation, a pick and mix approach of human resource they even found out short termism packages of HRM, rather than deploying integrated, consistent and long term packages of HRM. (Truss et al) say that they hardly found out evidence of any deliberate or realized coherence Between hr practices, in their research one of the Hr officer said the company would recruit one employee and sack another from another department, then where is the practice called employment security. (pfeffer) says that most of the smart companies often do dumb things, failing to learn from examples. They say that there is support for the notion that HR practices do operate more effectively when combined together. They also say that the precise number and mix of these is more open to debate, for example extensive training is an essential requirement for self managed teams to run effectively, higher than average rewards are more to impact on the numbers of applications for the job and to the consistency of selective hiring practices. The provision of financial and performance information to all employee is likely to be part of a wider harmonisation package. Any employer is willing to show more employment security if there is effective selective process; self managed teams are more extensive though the organization and compensation is based on performance. (Huselid1995, Dyer and reeves1995) say that marginal changes on practices have little or no effect on productivity. Employers may make employee security a guarantee, condition only on an agreement that pay can be substantially adjusted in order to maintain employment in lean times. Few employees are offered security but with a price that they have to flexible, to move jobs and locations to maintain employment, they should be flexible to undertake retraining and to adjust in working hours. (Pfeffer) also said eliminating layers of management by instituting teams saves money. He says that self managed staff can also take on tasks, which was done by specialized personal, by doing this company can reduce the numbers of levels in the hierarchy and thus making senior managers more visible and more accessible. Some of the key methodological issues faced by the researchers was that there was inconsistencies between the studies, where one research ignored one factor and including the other, practice like employment security by pfeffer was not included in the list of Delaney and Huselid 1996, Youndt 1996, Patterson et al 1997, wood and de Menezes 1998. Some authors include some measure of employee voice rather than achieved by employee involvement. Pfeffer says, he is uncertain why researchers have included or excluded certain HR practices. He says the list can be developed on the basis of the other researchers have used or by constructing groups of practices on the basis of factor analysis. (Huselid 1995 645-647) identified two groups of practices namely employee skills and organisational structures they include job design, enhanced selectivity, formal training, various forms of participation and profit sharing. (Patterson et al, 1997) also emerged with two groups of practices job design and acquisition and development of employee skills. Guest says that there must be strong empirical base and a clear theoretical specification of hr practices that have to be included. Pfeffer says that the closer the organization gets towards the best practices the better, the better the performance. Guest points out that there may be room for variations between organization and practices which they follow in specific to external and internal circumstances. Conclusion The main focus of this study was check that can organization performance can be improved by following a set of Hr practices. The study led to suggestions that there is one way in which HRM should be delivered , moreover that these practices have an positive impact on the organization. This remains an idea that a bundle if hr practices and policies is capable of making major contribution towards organization success in all work places. On the contradictory side, weather this set of practices will suitable or which make a difference to lower line performance organizations.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Transcription from a Broadcast of Network 23 :: Television Programs Los Angeles Essays

Transcription from a Broadcast of Network 23 The following is a complete verbatim transcription from a recent broadcast of "Network 23", a program shown on a local Los Angeles Public Access Cable Channel.Good evening, I'm Michel Kassett. This is Network 23. A couple of weeks ago we had a program on the subject of AIDS, addressing the question of whether AIDS-the AIDS virus-was created by the government; and I'm sure that some people were quite shocked by what they heard. We spent that entire program relating to you the evidence of a very substantial amount of factual evidence which supports the proposition that AIDS is a synthetic biological agent that was deliberately engineered by the US government as an instrument of depopulation. This is by far the most controversial and dangerous subject that we have ever addressed on this program, so I would like to review briefly the major points-the most significant pieces of evidence-that I presented two weeks ago.The first point was that in the early 1970's, Henry Kissinger wrote a top secret document-a National Security Memorandum ("NSM 200") -- in which he indicated that "depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign policy towards the Third World." This Memorandum which can be obtained from the US National Archives, which was only declassified very quietly in 1990, was adopted by the National Security Council as official US foreign policy towards the Third World. Now, this is a classic example of the "secret government" in action, because of none of this was known to the Congress, and certainly, it was not known to the American people. Did any of you know that depopulation was considered a matter of US national security? Did any of you know that for the p ast 20 years, depopulation has been the highest long-range priority of US foreign policy towards the Third World? No you didn't, because it was classified-it was a secret.I would like to read for you just a piece of this document. It is written by Henry Kissinger:"Reduction of the rate of population in these States is a matter of vital US national security." [National Security Memorandum, Henry Kissinger]And we even have a map of those areas in which Kissinger indicates where depopulation would be desireable. It's all Third World countries- it's all brown people and yellow people, of course."The US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The European Union: Cross-National Variation in Public Support, 1993 :: European History Essays

The European Union: Cross-National Variation in Public Support, 1993 Introduction The European Union was established in 1951 with the adoption of the European Coal and Steel Community. Many of its early integrative policies were technical in nature and received little attention from the general public. Consequently, a permissive consensus developed allowing the elite to pursue the ideals established by the European Union (EU) (Eichenberg and Dalton 1993, Gabel and Palmer 1995, Gabel 1998). In time, integrative policies became increasingly aggressive in their scope and influence. With the adoption of the Single European Act in 1985 and the Maastricht Treaty in 1991, the EU began dealing forcefully with issues pertaining to monetary union, social policy, foreign policy, and constitutional reform. Public opinion became increasingly important as national governments began formulating policies based on decisions in Brussels, Strasbourg, and Luxembourg that affected domestic policies (Gabel 1998, Anderson and Kaltenthaler 1996, Anderson and Reichert 1996, Gabel and Palm er 1995, Eichenberg and Dalton 1993). European integration was still largely driven and advanced by the elite, but it could no longer progress without the support of the mass public (Eichenberg and Dalton 1993). In Ireland, France, and Denmark, national public referenda required the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty. Ultimately public protests in France and Denmark on the Maastricht Treaty delayed and modified the institutional reform of the EU. In 1994, Norway voted in a national referendum to reject the EU altogether despite being granted admission. In 1995 parties in Sweden campaigning specifically against European integration recognized significant gains. Public opinion clearly influences policymaking in the EU. Furthermore, the literature illustrates that there is measurable cross-national variation in public support for the EU. It is necessary to understand what contributes to these differences in order to facilitate continuing integration. This paper expands on the existing literature explaining cross-national variances in support by examining economic rationality and political culture explanations. Economic Rationality For most of its history, the EU has existed purely as an economic block. Economic rationality posits that citizens seek to influence public policy by voting according to their economic interests regarding international economic policy (Katzenstein 1998). A large amount of existing literature suggests that economic rationality explanations are strong predictors of a country’s level of support for the EU. Specifically, the literature has tended to examine macro- and micro-economic, and direct and indirect economic explanations. Macroeconomic explanations focus on the national economic indicators of member states.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The History of the Boston Massacre

I was interested in the Boston Massacre and found many testimonies and other primary resources there. However, as I read through I was intrigued by a comment in my readings about Captain Thomas Preston’s â€Å"London Letter†. In Preston’s letter to London, he intended only Londoners to read it and when the article was later published in the Boston Gazette it added annoyance to the already frustrated public in Boston. I was now, intrigued and determined to find Captain Preston’s newspaper article. I, then, asked for help from the research and technology desk.They guided me through the library database to find a website called American Historical Newspapers. They had many articles from 1700-1850 and I was able to find the actual article, with Captain Preston’s recollection of the â€Å"unhappy affair† (Preston’s quote), posted in the Boston Gazette from June 25th 1770, as well as, the original letter to London first published, in April 2 8th, in the London newspaper the Essex Gazette. Originally this article was a letter sent by Captain Thomas Preston, to London intended for â€Å"His Majesty† the king. The letter was delivered to the Essex Gazette, a London newspaper, and printed in April 28th 1770.Captain Preston produced this account of what came to be known as the Boston Massacre, after being jailed and accused of ordering his men to â€Å"fire on a crowd of angry townspeople†. Two months later, (the amount of time it takes to get to America from London by ship) the Boston Gazette published Captain Preston’s article under the headline, â€Å"A Narrative of the Late Transactions at Boston. † During the trial of Captain Preston and his soldiers, copies of â€Å"A Narrative of the Late Transactions at Boston† began to circulate around Boston and surrounding areas.Captain Preston’s descriptions of the events were biased and unsympathetic to the townspeople, painting a pictur e of the soldiers trying to do their job and the townspeople not abiding and being â€Å"unruly† and â€Å"abusive†. Captain Preston declares that leading up to the incident the townspeople had increasingly â€Å"provoked and abused the soldiers†. Furthermore, Preston explains that an informant had warned him that there was a â€Å"mob† of angry townspeople that were planning to storm his soldier’s barracks â€Å"carry off a soldier and murder him†.Preston goes so far as to pin the guilt of giving the order to shoot by yelling â€Å"fire, fire† on members of the â€Å"unruly mob† and assures the reader that he was yelling â€Å"don’t fire†. Captain Preston never deviates from the staunch defense of his innocence and the threat to himself and his soldier’s lives throughout his entire narrative. Preston’s article being published in the Essex Gazette reveals that he is attempting to rally support for hi s innocence, from not only the king but all of London too. When the Boston Gazette printed the article they did not change the words of Captain Preston’s letter to London.They instead must have realized their audience, the Boston public, would receive Captain Preston’s description of the events much differently than the king or the people of London did. However, the Boston Gazette editor does put a negative introduction of the article at the top of Captain Preston’s letter to London, stating â€Å"how greatly the conduct of the town has been misrepresented. † This quote reveals the stark contrast of interpretation of the letter between the king of England and the Boston public.Both newspapers print the same article but have two completely different audiences with two completely different opinions of the need for British troops in Boston. The American Promise text, uses a more comprehensive approach when explaining the events of the Boston Massacre. The te xt gives more information about the transactions between the Bostonians and the soldiers leading up to the bloodshed on March 5th, 1770. For example, the soldiers are explained as â€Å"grating on the nerves of the Bostonians† by conducting drills on the town Common and â€Å"playing loud music on the Sabbath†, a day of rest and contemplation for the townspeople.Furthermore, during this time, colonists were beginning to assert their independence from England by boycotting trade with the Nonconsumption Agreements in 1768 and the Virginia Resolves in 1765. This period of time in the colonies is glutted with conflict between the uncompromising rule of the monarchy of England and the desire for representation and independence of the colonies. These two aforementioned Captain Preston’s recollection of the events were, like all peoples point of view, biased and sympathetic to oneself. The Bostonians had a contrasting interpretation of the events.And the textbook seems to collect all of these opinions and present them the best that it can. By reading Captain Preston’s primary document about the Boston Massacre, one can get a deeper understanding of what his emotional response was to the events. Reading someone’s opinion of an event draws the reader into the author’s point of view for a few moments and allows one to begin to understand what it must have felt like for the author. Primary documents have are a great way to step back in time and look at the world through someone else’s eyes. Someone who has grown up in a different place with different rules and standards.